
The Neurological Alliance has developed a number of proposals for RightCare pathways. You can read more about RightCare pathways on NHS England’s website.
Category: Our Briefings

NICE is currently scoping a new guideline on cannabis based products for medicinal use. The Neurological Alliance responded to the consultation.
Category: Consultation Responses

In November 2018, SUDEP Action led the Prevent 21 Summit on tackling epilepsy related deaths. This report is the executive summary of the recommendations from the summit. Endorsed by The Neurological Alliance and the Epilepsy All Party Parliamentary Group, it contains seven recommendations for change.
Category: External Publications

During 2018, The Office for Statistics Regulation is undertaking a review of social care data. The Neurological Alliance writes to the statistics regulator to make the case for better collection of neurological social care data.
Category: Letters

The Health and Social Care Select Committee held an inquiry into the impact of a no-deal Brexit on health and social care during 2018. The Neurological Alliance submitted a short response about the potential impact on people with neurological conditions.
Category: Consultation Responses

The Neurological Alliance writes to the NICE Chief Executive for an update on progress with the guideline on suspected neurological conditions.
Category: Letters