
The data catalogue, produced by The Neurology Intelligence Network at Public Health England, is a list of all currently available data, information and intelligence resources relating to neurological conditions. It aims to signpost and increase awareness/understanding of the neurological needs in society at both a national and local level.
Category: Data and Intelligence

Neuro Numbers is a report by The Neurological Alliance which brings together all the latest pan-neurological data that is available for England.
Category: Our Reports

In August 2018, Sue Ryder commissioned a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to all Local Authorities in England asking about their services for people with neurological conditions. This report sets these findings in the context of other recent research and an earlier FOI conducted by Sue Ryder which was targeted at CCGs. The report makes […]
Category: External Publications

The Neurological Alliance has developed a number of proposals for RightCare pathways. You can read more about RightCare pathways on NHS England’s website.
Category: Our Briefings