
Recognising mental wellbeing needs: our response to the Government’s mental health and wellbeing call for evidence
Mental health and wellbeing affect us all, but don’t affect us all equally. People with neurological conditions are more likely to need mental health support than those without. While this is also true of people with other long-term health conditions, there is a unique, complex and often poorly understood interplay between the physical and the […]
Together we are stronger: coproduction and creating real impact
Our coproduction coordinator Jess Mansel describes how working with coproduction volunteers is shaping our campaign to improve neuro services. This week (4 – 9 July 2022) is Coproduction Week, and the theme is impact. We’ve been working with a coproduction group of 12 people who are affected by neurological conditions. Together, they are sharing their […]

Coproduction week: working together to back the 1 in 6
Rhys Holmes, who has the neurological condition superficial siderosis, joined The Neurological Alliance’s coproduction group to help develop the #BackThe1in6 campaign and help make the views and experiences of people with neurological conditions central to everything we do. For Coproduction Week (4 – 9 July 2022) Rhys tells us what being part of the group […]

Providing insight, working together: driving the neurology agenda forward in 2022
David Martin, The Neurological Alliance’s Chair of Trustees and CEO of MS Trust, writes: I recently met Sally. She is living in pain. Sally is struggling to walk and struggling to work. Her appointment to see a neurologist is months away. Sally is one of the 176,000 people with existing or suspected neurological conditions whose […]

Shared goals, shared knowledge: raising the profile of neurorehabilitation
The Independent Neurorehabilitation Providers’ Alliance (INPA) recently joined The Neurological Alliance. Chloë Hayward from INPA writes: INPA is a collation of independent organisations providing rehabilitation for people with acquired brain injuries, spinal cord injuries and neurological conditions. Some INPA members are large companies with multiple specialist units, others have one dedicated service. There are also […]

Unwavering focus: pushing for improvement in neurological services
Dr Arani Nitkunan, consultant neurologist and Neurological Alliance Trustee, writes: As a consultant neurologist working mainly in a district general hospital in Southwest London (Croydon University Hospital), there are several reasons why I very much appreciate all the work of The Neurological Alliance. Firstly, the Alliance’s surveys (including My Neuro Survey), have informed us that […]