
Consultation: Send in Your Comments on the NICE Rehab Guideline
We are preparing a response to the consultation on the draft guideline on Rehabilitation for Chronic Neurological Disorders Including Traumatic Brain Injury and need your input by 5pm 1st July 2021. All member organisations are invited to leave their comments. If you’d like to take part, please review the consultation documents and respond to the […]

Neurological Alliance: Collaboration is vital in implementing new Health and Social Care Data Strategy
The Neurological Alliance welcomes many of the commitments outlined in the Department of Health and Social Care’s draft data strategy published on 22nd June 2021. However, more needs to be done to ensure that people with neurological conditions and their support groups are directly involved in shaping these initiatives – we will be working with […]

Neurological Alliance seeks national recovery plan as waiting times soar
Over 10,000 people have been waiting for over a year for neurology or neurosurgery appointments, recent data analysed by the Neurological Alliance has shown. The news comes following a debate in the House of Lords on the impacts of the pandemic on people with neurological conditions and services. The Neurological Alliance has analysed data released […]

NeuroLifeNow app reveals mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
NeuroLifeNow is a new app that supports people with neurological conditions to share their recent experiences of care via a monthly questionnaire. It provides an invaluable source of up to the minute data of how people with neurological conditions are faring. The app is a joint initiative between the Brain and Spine Foundation and the Neurological Alliance. Mental […]

National neurology and neuroscience leaders warn of a perfect storm for services for people with neurological conditions resulting from the pandemic
The National Neuroscience Advisory Group (NNAG) has today launched their report, entitled ‘Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic: Priorities in care for people with neurological conditions’

NHS reform blueprint published
Today sees the publication of a government white paper on an NHS reform aimed at improving service integration. The proposals, if implemented, would put Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) on a legal footing. They would also enable NHS England to delegate or transfer the commissioning of certain specialised services to ICSs singly or jointly, or for NHS England to […]